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Thus the subject is the ' terminus a quo,' and the predicate is the ' terminusadquem.'
The main object of our trip down the River of Barks-theterminusadquem of the expedition, so to speak-wasa bear.
The terminusadquem is less certain--irondoes not begin to be used for weapons in the Aegean till after Period III.
Cognition, whenever we take it concretely, means determinate 'ambulation,' through intermediaries, from a terminus a quo to, or towards, a terminusadquem.
He fails in short to distinguish between taking the world's perfection as a necessary principle, and taking it only as a possible terminusadquem.
They bought tickets for Port Huron, the terminalpoint for the train.
But the terminalpoint to the thought was a smile.
This, therefore, constituted the terminalpoint of his journey.
Three of the seven had been turned down at the terminalpoint, and Sam continued his explanation.
Between sentences there exists a wider separation in meaning, marked by a period or other terminalpoint.